July 2019

UICC Members, I hope that you and your families are enjoying the summer. Our President, Anne Cassidy Carew is enjoying some well-earned vacation in Ireland. In her absence, I am pleased to update the membership on UICC activities and upcoming events for July. Save the...

June 2019

Dear UICC Members, Thank you for your continued support. A copy of this letter will be sent to all members in the next several weeks. I am proud to report that tangible progress is being made at the Center. As we near the half- way mark of 2019, I write to share with...

May 2019

Dear UICC Members I have been racking my brain for the Month of May Bulletin…and what to say. I sat my husband down and told him what I was trying to say and his response very matter of fact, “Well Anne, just say it,” and so I will. It’s the middle of April and...

April 2019

Dear Members, The Center, survived a very busy March and I just wanted to take the opportunity to acknowledge the hard working board, employees, volunteers and Knights Catering staff for an amazing month! Every single one of you made the Center shine and sparkle! We...

March 2019

First things first — WE ARE OPEN! AND we ended the first month of 2019 positive. SUPPORT YOUR CENTER. I encourage you: To regularly check out our website or Facebook, monthly UICC Bulletin or the Herald for an upcoming opportunity for you to chat with Board members....