June 2020

Dear UICC Members, “Little By Little The Castles Are Built” The old Irish Proverb “i ndiaidh a chéile a déantar na caisleáin” (little by little the castles are built) is several centuries old and traces its origin to the late 12th century following the Norman invasion...

May 2020

Dear UICC Members, My hope for you and your families is that you are all staying well and healthy. We, The Board, miss seeing you! Happy Mothers day to all the mothers near and far! We can all celebrate and toast from a distance. At the Center, bringing people...

April 2020

Dear UICC Member, “You never miss the water till the well runs dry” There is no doubt that the last few weeks have been one of the most unpredictable and surreal times of our lives. Nobody could have predicted the broad scale impact that the coronavirus could yield on...

March 2020

Dear UICC Member, Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! March is the month that we take the time to honor our Irish Story. We dust off our green shirts, ties, and hats and make plans to eat corned beef and listen to our favorite Irish music. We have extra pep in our step as the...

February 2020

Dear Members, Sláinte- We all could all use a health toast during this cold and flu season and not just when we are toasting with a drink. On January 13th, I flew to New York City to spend an entire day with the 501c3 Irish Cultural Centers across North America and...

January 2020

Dear Members, Welcome 2020! A year to be THANKFUL. This year marks our 45 YEARS on 45th AVENUE. Please mark your calendar – April 25th, 2020 to honor the celebration. THANK YOU to our amazing team at the CENTER- Ligia, Angela, Marvin, Mina. We are grateful to...