Dear Members,
Your UICC Board of Directors is proud to announce the implementation of a new menu in our restaurant. Our newly-hired Chef, Erik Kamprud has put together a exceptional new menu for our Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday dinners. While the new menu has been available since Thursday, September 10th, we are aiming to have a “Grand Menu Opening Celebration” on Friday, October 16th. Mark your calendars and join your Board of Directors at dinner time at the Center. We guarantee an exceptional dining experience. The appetizers, the entrées and the desserts are, as they say, “superb”. Special thanks to the UICC restaurant committee which included Michael Bowler, Ligia Torres, Shea Stella and yours truly.
Also new at the Center is our restaurant host, Donagh McKeown. Donagh is our genial presence in the restaurant hosting, greeting, and making all of us feel well served! Positive comments are coming in about Donagh as well as the wait staff and bussers too. Donagh also supported the “Parting Glass Session” at the UICC on September 16th. There was lots of positive feedback on the program. Hopefully, there will be more to come, Donagh.
I am pleased to announce that the Irish Cultural Centre of California, our sister non-profit organization, has expanded the size of its Board of Directors and now has a full component of wonderful folk who are committed to the mission of the Centre and its work within the Irish Cultural scene. Jo Coffey, Board President will have a further report at the General Membership meeting in October.
Time to remind all that it is not too early to reserve banquet dining space for those holiday parties. We encourage all to avoid the “last minute rush” as our St. Patrick’s Room is the ideal place for a memorable holiday event. Families might be interested in the Members’ Room or the St. Francis Room for something smaller. With our great Chefs for banquets and in the restaurant, we are indeed blessed and proud of the fine food available at this time.
Lastly, don’t forget to purchase tickets for the High Kings who are coming to the Center on October 18th. This is an exceptional event and I am pleased to announce that tickets are selling VERY well!
See all of you soon at the Center. I can honestly say, the UICC is my “home away from home.”
With Respect, Caring, and In Unity,
Judith Kell, President UCC Board of Directors