Dear Members

March is always “high season” for the Irish community in the Bay Area and as we all look forward to an exciting month of celebrating our Irish heritage, your United Irish Cultural Center stands at the ready to be the Center for all things Irish again!

We celebrated an incredible February at the Center with many memorable “first-time” events. The Super Bowl was celebrated at the Center with our wonderful big-screen purchases (thanks to the ICCC for help here) and Valentine’s Day was a hit with a full dining room full of happy celebrators. Cormac Gannon and a supremely talented group of musicians played on the first Saturday in February for the first time and the bar and restaurant area was filled with a most appreciative, happy audience for some wonderful Irish music. Please take note: Cormac Gannon and the wonderful talented musicians will be featured the first Saturday of every month at the Center. Be sure and make your reservations early for dinner and Irish music!

The Grand Marshal’s Dinner at the end of February was a very traditional and appropriate kick-off for the month of March at the Center. The St. Patrick’s Day Parade is on Saturday, March 12th this year and there will be the traditional dinner at the Center afterward. Sunday, March 13th will see our Annual Block Party as we join forces with Java Beach and the United Irish Societies for good food, good music and good fun for all! The traditional St. Patrick’s Day on March 17th will see your UICC serving up music and good food all day (and evening) long.

Since all of our members receive the printed Bulletin this month, this message from your President is a wonderful opportunity for me to tell all how appreciative we are of your memberships. We will be sure and keep you apprised of all that is happening at the Center and ways in which your membership dues are keeping our beloved Center up and running!

In closing, don’t forget to support Irish Crossroads on the opening night of their 13th Annual Irish–American Crossroads Festival on March 4th featuring Eileen Ivers and her band! See you at the Marin Civic Auditorium for this one! Lastly, save the date: April 24th for an exceptional commemoration of the Easter Rising. There is a superb committee working on a very memorable marking of this most historic event in the history of our beloved Ireland!

In Unity and Caring,

Judith Kell, President

UCC Board of Directors