June 2021

Visionary Redevelopment Proposal Reveals New Look for Irish Center What an exciting month we have had at the Center! The whole Irish American community is buzzing with optimism since the public meeting on May 7th during which we revealed a bold new visionary proposal...

May 2021

Spring is in the air and signals a new beginning for the Center We are well and truly now in the middle of spring-a time that for eons has been a time of great change ands regrowth in nature. Spring marks the beginning of warmer weather and longer daylight hours, the...

April 2021

Future of the Irish Center: We are now at a Crossroads ……. We have worked hard together with our volunteers to weather the storm at The Center and everything that COVID-19 has thrown at us during the past 12 months. Although, we are not epidemiologically in the clear...

March 2021

St. Patrick’s Season Reminds Us of All of our Irish Heritage Twelve months ago, after several weeks of intense preparation, and developing a robust March St. Patrick’s season program for the Center, we were broadsided just days prior to kicking off several annual...

February 2021

Irish Center Reopens Under the Wawona Gates Big Top Historically, the months of January and February at the Irish Center are spent preparing for the St. Patrick’s season which is only a few short weeks away. This year has been no different (although we have been...

January 2021

Challenging Year Ahead for the Irish Center While 2020 might now be in the rear view mirror, the fallout from the disruption to normal life and economic activities caused by Covid-19 during the last nine months are expected to last well into the first quarter of this...