September 2020

Dear Members, The darkest nights produce the brightest stars! On what can only be described as a glorious sunny afternoon on Saturday, August IS, we had a small ceremony in the back parking lot of the United Irish Cultural Center (UICC) to dedicate the Grand Opening...

August 2020

Dear Members, As I write the August bulletin message, our first annual Saint Patrick’s Appeal is just $994 away from reaching the fantastic sum of $100,000. The original goal we had set for the campaign was $75,000 and when we started out on May 18th it seemed like a...

July 2020

My Dear Irish Community, We continue to live through a time of great societal uncertainty and who knows what tomorrow may bring. But right now there is a glimmer of hope for members and supporters of the Irish Center, as we slowly reopen after the coronavirus hiatus....

June 2020

Dear UICC Members, “Little By Little The Castles Are Built” The old Irish Proverb “i ndiaidh a chéile a déantar na caisleáin” (little by little the castles are built) is several centuries old and traces its origin to the late 12th century following the Norman invasion...

May 2020

Dear UICC Members, My hope for you and your families is that you are all staying well and healthy. We, The Board, miss seeing you! Happy Mothers day to all the mothers near and far! We can all celebrate and toast from a distance. At the Center, bringing people...