Dear Members,

Who would have thought that October would pass by so quickly? We had the great honor of hosting Ireland’s President here at the Center and with the wonderful collaboration of the Irish Immigration and Pastoral Center folks (Thank you Celine and all!) and the superb talent of our own Teresa Moore (Hats off to you, Teresa for preparing everything at the Center for the big event!) President Higgins was welcomed in fine style.

With the November tradition of honoring those who have gone before, we will all want to be at the Center on November 22nd at 10 a.m. for our mass of remembrance for our deceased UICC members. We owe so much to those who have passed on. Their “Irish Dream” is what we are living in now. In honoring them, we take steps every day, every year to bring more memorable cultural events to the forefront and to provide our members and guests with the best in Irish hospitality. Remember to make your reservations for brunch afterward. Mary Magee has already taken some reservations.

Special thanks to all members who are enjoying the resurgence of the restaurant at the UICC. The food is delicious, the servers are the best and we are so proud to advise all that for the first time in many years, our restaurant is making some monetary progress. The UICC restaurant is not far away from making it on “Checks Please Bay Area”! Thanks to EVERYONE at the Center for moving this important Board of Directors’ agenda item forward. Shea Stella has taken on a great role in helping with the new restaurant procedures and will head up a marketing push for members and valued guests as well.

Thanksgiving at the Irish Center will be celebrated in the usual superb way. I hear that reservations are coming in quickly. Although we are closed in the restaurant for the Friday after Thanksgiving, it is reported that the Saturday after (November 28) is another evening with a good number of reservations made already. We are “cooking” in the UICC restaurant!

Lastly, several holiday events are planned at the Center. Be sure and mark the dates that are listed in the calendar elsewhere in the Bulletin. Also, time is of the essence; make your holiday banquet arrangements soon!

Best Wishes for a Blessed Thanksgiving,
With Respect, Caring, and In Unity,

Judith Kell, President
UCC Board of Directors