Dear Members,

With the first of April, it is time to look ahead and to also look back. April showers arrived early and were a threat during the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and very much a reality on the day of the annual Block Party! In spite of all of the much-needed wet weather, the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day at the UICC wasn’t dampened a bit. More folks enjoyed the corned beef and cabbage dinner after the Parade than last year and it was absolutely wonderful to welcome seasoned UICC members and also the great influx of young folks and young families. Also, Easter arrived early this year and once again, we had a record number of people enjoying the Easter brunch (and dinner) at the Center. The spirit of Irish-America is definitely alive and well at the UICC!

Looking ahead to our present month of April, I want to remind everyone of the incredible Irish music we have at the Center on two of the four Saturdays. Cormac Gannon will be with us on the first Saturday of April (as he is on the first Saturday of every month) to fill the UICC bar and restaurant area with wonderful traditional Irish music. Comhaltas will be with us to bring more Irish melody on April 16th. Why not celebrate being done with your income tax at the Center on that Saturday?

The highlight of the month of April will be on Sunday, April 24th when we join together as an Irish community in commemorating the Heroes and Heroines of the 1916 Rising. The contribution of the Irish in San Francisco at the time will also be remembered. The commemoration will begin at 4 pm and continue through until 5:30pm. A hard-working, knowledgeable and inclusive committee has been working with dedication on this very special program. The Rising is a part of the history of all of us and the commemoration is a time to renew our Irish respect for those who have gone before to bring us reality of the Irish Republic.

After all of the special events in April, I would like to remind you of the very important General Membership Meeting on Thursday, April 28th.

With Respect, In Unity and Irish Pride,

Judith Kell, President, Board of Directors


It is not too early to mark your calendars for Friday, June 17th. Thanks to Liam Reidy we have the incredible Irish tenor, Emmet Cahill performing at the UICC at 8 pm. Tickets are available online or at the bar in the UICC. Make your plans for the evening early. A special dinner will be available in our dining room as well!